New Contractor to take over December 1, 2003. Want to know more about Coastal?? Check out http://www.miami.com/mld/myrtlebeachonline/6960027.htm
Wally Brown |
1947 - 2004 |
 Wally Brown, 56, died Saturday, March 27, 2004, in North Richland Hills.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Thursday at Shannon Rose Hill Funeral Chapel. Burial: noon in Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery. Visitation: The family will receive visitors 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.
Mr. Brown owned and operated Ethics Garage and Resale and worked part time for Kohl's department store in Grand Prairie.
Mr. Brown served during the Vietnam War with the U.S. Army. He worked with the El Paso Sheriff's Department as a homicide investigator and with the attorney general's office as an investigator. He also worked for the Cockrell Hill Police Department.
Survivors: Wife of 19 years, Norma Brown; son, Patrick Ponce and wife, Priscilla, of Arlington; daughters, Valerie Ponce and Tafana Brown of Fort Worth; sister, Odie Brown of Flint, Mich.; and grandchild, Teresa Ponce of Arlington. Published in the Star-Telegram on 3/30/2004.
Wally Brown served as UGSOA Local 203 Vice-Pesident and Chief Steward from 2000 until 2002 when the Federal Protective Service removed our friend for Union Activity. We will miss our friend and brother. | |
What is a union?
A union is a group of workers who form an organization to win:
Respect on the job; Better wages and benefits; More flexibility for work and family needs; A counter-balance to the unchecked power of employers; and A voice in improving the quality of their products and services.
How do people form a union? When workers decide they want to come together to improve their jobs, they contact a union to help guide their organizing efforts to join a union. Once a majority of workers show they want a union, sometimes employers honor the workers choice. Often, the workers must ask the government to hold an election. If the workers win their union, they negotiate a contract with the employer that spells out each party rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
Does the law protect workers joining unions?
Yes. Under the law, which supports freedom of association, employers are not allowed to discriminate against or fire workers for choosing to join a union. For example, it is illegal for employers to threaten to shut down their businesses or to lay off employees or take away benefits if workers form a union.
What kinds of workers are forming unions today?
A wider range of people than ever before, including many women and immigrants, are building unions doctors and nurses, poultry workers and graduate employees, home health care aides and wireless communications workers, auto parts workers and engineers, to name a few.
How do unions help working families today?
Through unions, workers win better wages, benefits and a voice on the job and good union jobs mean stronger communities. Union workers earn 28 percent more than nonunion workers and are more likely to receive health care and pension benefits than those without a union. In 2000, union members median weekly earnings for full-time wage and salary were , compared with for their nonunion counterparts. Unions lead the fight today for better lives for working people, such as through expanded family and medical leave, improved safety and health protections and fair trade agreements that lift the standard of living for workers all over the world.
What have unions accomplished for all workers?
Unions have made life better for all working Americans by helping to pass laws ending child labor, establishing the eighthour day, protecting workers safety and health and helping create Social Security, unemployment insurance and the minimum wage.
What challenges face workers today?
Today, thousands of workers want to join unions. The wisest employers understand that when workers form unions, their companies also benefit. But many other employers fight workers efforts to come together by intimidating, harassing and threatening them. In response, workers are reaching out to their communities to help them exercise their freedom to improve their lives.
What about workers in other countries?
Unions fight to ensure that corporations and governments around the world respect all workers fundamental rights to:
Come together and negotiate with employers;
Refuse forced labor;
Reject child labor; and
Work free from discrimination.
Dear Union Brothers and Sisters: I write to introduce myself and our organization: United Government Security Officers of America.
I started UGSOA International Union in 1992, feeling that specialized security officers needed better representation. Too many Companies and Unions felt we were guards as opposed to highly trained security officers. After disaffiliating from two International Guard Unions, I wanted to concentrate on representing highly trained security officers, getting away from the guard and watchman image, so I limited our representation to only security officers who contract to the City, County, State , and Federal Government.
In May of 2000 at our International Convention we changed our Constitution to allow representation of all types of security. We continue to concentrate our efforts in the government security arena, however we now represent non government security as well. We know that many employees in the security industry consider yourselves professionals and we want to represent you. We were excluded from representing officers of the type at Lockheed Martin and McDonald Douglas prior to this change in our constitution. Now we can.
Our members can call the International if they're interested in relocating. We will do a job search for you and send back information and try to secure your employment in that area.
The International has a Health Care Plan for our members. This is at your cost, but is a lower cost with better coverage.
We also have a pension/investment plan thru Hartford Insurance.
Thank you for considering UGSOA as your International Union.
James A. Vissar
International President